

Kinesiology PEI


Who are we?

Kinesiology PEI is a not-for-profit association which represents and supports Kinesiologists working in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The objectives of Kinesiology PEI include:

  • To promote and advance the interests of its members and the Kinesiologists of Prince Edward Island. 

  • To provide programs and services to its members and the Kinesiologists of Prince Edward Island.

  • To represent its members and the Kinesiologists of Prince Edward Island to the public, governments, news media, other health care professions, the health care industry, and others.

  • To adopt and promote a code of ethics for members and other Kinesiologists.

  • To co-operate with organizations representing Kinesiologists in other Canadian provinces and territories, and elsewhere.

  • To co-operate with governments and with other associations, corporations, and persons to advance these purposes.

Join us

Click here to join Kinesiology PEI. For more information, contact us at info@kinpei.ca.

For more information on Kinesiology PEI please see our Constitution, Code of Ethics, and Scope of Practice.